

Instashell for Brute-force Instagram (No Root)

Now day's Instagram is more popular then Facebook because of several reasons like privacy, quality, smooth interface, etc. In our some days previous post we described how to Bruteforce facebook account without root. So today we are back with the same bruteforce method but this time we crack the password of the Instagram account without any root permissions. So excited let's get started.


Requirements :-
  • Terminal
  • Internet Connection
 Open Terminal or Termux and follow our commands


$ apt update && apt upgrade -y
$ apt install git -y
$ git clone https://github.com/maunHACK3R/Instashell


Their is mainly two things you need to done before starting

1. Open new terminal and type following command

$ tor

and wait until it's done 100%

2. Generate a wordlist by using cupp tool or nano commad  (as genrated in facebook bruteforce post)


It's time to start attack ! just open new terminal and type following commands

$ cd instashell
$ bash instashell.sh

Enter username and then wordlist path with .txt filename

Now wait until found the password.

I hop you guy's enjoyed this information and if you found something interesting then make sure to follow us on other social media platform for daily updates. Have a nice day.