

Linux Terminal On Windows Using Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL)

Microsoft Windows comes with some new features with every update and they know very well that people's interest in Linux increasing effectively so Microsoft provided a new feature of WSL(Windows Subsystem Linux) which provides you a Linux Terminal on your windows. So today I guide you on "How to use Linux Terminal On Windows 10" and hope you going to enjoy this.

System Requirements: Windows 10 version 16216.0+

How-To Guide

  1. First of all, you need to enable the Developers options in Settings>Update>Developer Options.
  2. Now Enable Windows Subsystem Linux(WSL) in Control Panel>Programs>Turn Windows features on or off then mark the WSL folder in the given list and click ok.
  3. Restart Computer
  4. Open the Microsoft Store search Kali Linux and then click on the get button to download it.
Once the downloading process is completed successfully then you can use Kali Linux Terminal on your Windows PC and install almost all the important packages. If you are just a beginner in the field of ethical hacking and don't know where to start, then we strongly recommend the "Hacking Like Watch Dogs" course in which you can learn Ethical Hacking from scratch.