

Find Anyone Address, Email, Location, Phone Number and Social Profiles Using Python OSINT Tool

Information gathering is the first step in your life no matter what you going to do but if you want to achieve your desired goal or aim then first you must have the required information as much as possible.

The more information you have the more rates of your success are increased. Suppose you are a student and attempting an exam or test, the more knowledge, and information you have in your mind the more marks you'll get in the exam. The same applied to our daily life tasks and future goals.

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So today I am introducing you to a python script or tool that can automatically collect the information from the given keywords and try to extract the deep information from the Internet which is publically available.


  • Linux
  • Python 3


It is a python script or tool that OSINT the given keywords like Name. Last Name. Email, etc., and try to fetch information from Skype, Twitter, and Instagram that may include gender, location, occupation, etc. information with a self combined Email that may be invalid.

Installation and usage:

git clone https://github.com/dalunacrobate/DaProfiler
cd DaProfiler
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 profiler.py -h

Now all the user commands are visible on the Terminal and you can also use this tool in the Web user interface.

I hope this information is helpful for you, make sure to save our website bookmarks for future posts, and also check out our eBook Guide For Hacking to learn complete real-world hacking from scratch level, and even if you have some knowledge then still it may teach you some new things.