We posted about many different types of Android RATs (Remote Access Trojan) like Ahmyth, MSF Payload, Lime-Rat, etc. but this RAT is entirely next level and different from others because you don't even need to do port forwarding to access Out-Of-LAN devices as we do in other RATs.
Before diving into this article, if you are interested in learning to hack and want to be an expert hacker, try our Hacking Like Watchdogs Course with certification. Even if you don't have any additional knowledge of hacking or coding, still you can learn from scratch and we also assign an expert instructor to you for one-to-one personal guidance
Setup Telegram Bot
1. Search BotFather on Telegram
Setup Glitch Server
4. Go to any you find working following: raplit.com, heroku.com, glitch.com
5. Click on New project then glitch-hello-node
6. Delete all pre-available files
7. Click on files and upload package.json, server.js
8. Click on the server.js file, and Paste your bot token in line 16
9. Paste your chat id in line 15
10. Click on the preview available at the bottom to open a new webpage (You will see Server successfully Installed webpage) copy the URL of it, which was the server link
Setup Payload APK
12. Now open Apkeditor and select the payload apk we downloaded.