Hey guys we are come back with another blog post in which we are going to introduce you with a powerful tool for Windows and Linux which provide you GUI (Graphical User Interface) for making fully undetectable payload for android device. So if you excited then let's get started.
Installation In Windows:-
1. Download Java
2. Download Ahmyth
3. Now install Ahmyth exe file.
2. Download Ahmyth
3. Now install Ahmyth exe file.
Installation In Linux:-
$ apt-get install java
$ apt-get install jdk
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
Now select jdk-8 version.
1. Open Ahmyth tool
2. Click On Build Apk
3. Enter listening host and port and build
2. Click On Build Apk
3. Enter listening host and port and build
Now you're payload is ready to use once victim installed it you get the access on target device.
Out Of LAN (Local Area Network) Device
If you want to access out of LAN devices or device connected with other WiFi or network then you must have to do port forwarding. You can port forwarding in given ways for free.
Note :- This information is only for educational purpose!