

Social Analyzer - API, CLI, and Web App for analyzing & finding Online Identity

Information gathering is the first stage of penetration testing or ethical hacking in which an attacker or tester tries to collect publicly available information about the target individual or organization to make further strategies for a successful hack.

In this article, I will introduce you to an amazing tool called Social Analyzer for boosting your information-gathering process more efficiently. Social Analyzer is available in the command line interface (CLI) and Web Application.

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Social Analyzer

It is an API, CLI, and Web App for analyzing & finding a person's profile across +1000 social media \ websites. It includes different analysis and detection modules, and you can choose which modules to use during the investigation process.

The detection modules utilize a rating mechanism based on different detection techniques, producing a rate value from 0 to 100 (No-Maybe-Yes). This module is intended to have fewer false positives.

The analysis and public extracted information from this OSINT tool could help investigate profiles related to suspicious or malicious activities such as cyberbullying, cyber grooming, cyberstalking, and spreading misinformation.

Social Analyzer: WebApp

Social Analyzer: CLI

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Features List

  • String & name analysis (Permutations and Combinations)
  • Find a profile using multiple techniques (HTTPS library & Webdriver)
  • Multi-profile search (Used for correlation - any combination separated with "," )
  • Multilayer detections (OCR, normal, advanced & special)
  • Visualized profile information using Ixora (Metadata & Patterns)
  • Metadata & Patterns extraction (Added from Qeeqbox OSINT project)
  • Force-directed Graph for Metadata (Needs ExtractPatterns)
  • Search by top ranking or by country (Alexa Ranking)
  • Search by type (adult, music, etc.. - automated website stats)
  • Profiles stats and static info (Category country)
  • Cross Metadata stats (Added from Qeeqbox OSINT project)
  • Auto-flirtation to unnecessary output (Enable javascript etc..)
  • Search engine lookup (Google API - optional)
  • Custom search queries (Google API & DuckDuckGo API - optional)
  • Profile screenshot, title, info, and website description
  • Find name origins, name similarities & common words by language
  • Find possible profile\person age (Limited analysis)
  • Custom user-agent, proxy, timeout & implicit wait
  • Python CLI & NodeJS CLI (limited to FindUserProfilesFast option)
  • Screenshots of detected profile (The latest version of Chrome must be installed)
  • Grid option for faster checking (limited to docker-compose)
  • Dump logs to folder or terminal (prettified)
  • Adjust finding\getting profile workers (default 15)
  • Re-checking option for failed profiles
  • Filter profiles by good, maybe, and bad
  • Save the analysis as a JSON file
  • Simplified web interface and CLI
  • And, more!!

Special Detections

  • Facebook (Phone number, name, or profile name)
  • Gmail (example@gmail.com)
  • Google (example@example.com)

How To Setup & Use As WebApp

sudo apt-get update
#Depedning on your Linux distro, you may or may not need these 2 lines
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa -y
sudo apt-get install -y firefox-esr tesseract-ocr git nodejs npm
git clone https://github.com/qeeqbox/social-analyzer.git
cd social-analyzer
npm update
npm install
npm start

How To Setup & Use As CLI

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/qeeqbox/social-analyzer
cd social-analyzer
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 app.py --username "janedoe"
python3 app.py --username "johndoe" --metadata
python3 app.py --username "johndoe" --metadata --top 100
python3 app.py --username "johndoe" --type "adult"
python3 app.py --username "johndoe" --websites "car" --logs --screenshots

You can explore the helping commands for a more detailed overview and usage of all the available features or options.

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